No sé mai què dir quan començo a escriure un blog, però bé, des de fa uns mesos he descobert que fer ganxet m'agrada i em relaxa. He obert aquest espai per a compartir els meus projectes, oferir-vos la meva feina i ensenyar-vos el que faig quan tinc estones lliures (que són poques), a part de cuinar. Em podeu visitar també a Jo, cuino, un blog de receptes de cuina en català.
És hora d'agafar el ganxet i començar a gaudir!
I never know what to say when I start writing a blog, but hey, for a few months I discovered that I like to crochet and it relaxes me. I have opened this space to share my projects, offer my job and show you what I do when I have free time, in addition to cooking.
You can also visit me in Jo, Cuino, a blog of recipes in catalan.
It's time to pick up the crochet and start enjoying!
I never know what to say when I start writing a blog, but hey, for a few months I discovered that I like to crochet and it relaxes me. I have opened this space to share my projects, offer my job and show you what I do when I have free time, in addition to cooking.
You can also visit me in Jo, Cuino, a blog of recipes in catalan.
It's time to pick up the crochet and start enjoying!